January 14, 2009

Students Speak...Diana Marino...

Balay Pasilungan 

is a temporary shelter for boys in need of special protection. Established in 1997, this is a project of FREE LAVA: Free Legal Assistance Volunteers Association. This shelter is for boys ages 13-18. Overall I am very joyful to have had the opportunity to set foot on this home and to have gotten the chance to learn about it. I am glad that it exists. I am sure that without it hundreds of boys would be and have been in much worse situations and perhaps even have wound up dead because their families were not present to protect and guide them and they could not do so themselves. I am positive and I hope that the boys experience love there and that they will have a lasting effect on those whose lives they touch.

What struck me most about this place was that the boys seemed to be happy, comfortable, protected and had a sense of belonging in this home/shelter. My image of boys' homes has been challenged by this place because whenever I pictured one, I thought of angry, scared, hurting, vengeful boys. Proof of the effectiveness of this program is that the boys come back after school, they do not run away because they are pleased and comfortable. Another proof of its effectiveness lies volunteers; currently 4 boys who successfully rehabilitated came back to serve.

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