There is something so mysterious and beautiful about photographing an expecting mom. Its like I am capturing one of life's greatest miracles in every image. At least that is how honored I felt to photograph Sarah and Carlos and their baby boy. :)
We started this new year with a beautiful winter wedding in Philadelphia. The Glen Foerd Mansion is gorgeous and was perfectly chosen by Laura and Joe for their wedding. I was joined by the talented Trent Bailey and even though it was well below freezing Laura and Joe were willing to go outside and get some photos in the cold! Gota love daring couples! :) Enjoy....
I haven't done one of these photo shoots in a while but I am so glad I got to do this one with the beautiful Sarah and her studly husband Carlos. More pics to come soon but for now here's a little peek....
Check out my new blog...
I'm a New York based photographer born in the beautiful country of Ecuador. I have been fortunate to be able to live in places such as Kenya and Mexico.
On this blog you will see some of my work, but perhaps more importantly you will see and read about my life and how rich I feel, not due to possessions but due to the Grace and Love that has been poured on me by so many wonderful people.
Enjoy reading and leave me some comments! :)
For more info check out the website