July 29, 2007

So I gave in...

So I finally decided to start my own blog. It sounds funny cause I thought these things were silly, but here I am now eating my own words!

I'm actually excited about doing this since I will be doing more showing than writing. I hope to be able to post images and thoughts from my many photo adventures, jobs, clients and experiences. But I also will be posting about my life. I absolutely love photography so this is just an extension of what I love to do.

Enjoy and I hope you come back! :)


Kiki said...

when that picture strip is on here, it looks like the pictures are over lapped it looks good Good luck!

Andres said...

Thanks kik!

Anonymous said...

It looks really good Andres! I'll look at all your comments in more detail this evening, but I really like the pictures and what I have seen so far. Thanks for letting me know about it!

Unknown said...

Negrito, nunca me imagine que esa Olimpus podria causar el que se metiera en vos el gusano de la fotografia. Las fotos son estupendas y no escribes nada mal en ingles eh! Estas en mis oraciones para que cuando ese Gran Dia venga de tu propia boda haya algun fotografo que pueda emularte. Sabes que en The Library me voluntareo para tomar fotos sobre todo con digitales y casi siempre digo que ojala mi hijo estuviera aqui porque ese si que es profesional..Otra cosa, el otro dia JuanFer me agradecia por haberle dejado en su poder la Olimpus. Que pena que su matrimonio esta revelandose mal..Para orar tambien. Que bueno es Dios que te da la oportunidad de usar tus talentos en Uno de los mejores Dias de la pareja y que esos matrimonios sean para siempre. Te quiero, Tu papito Edgar

Andres said...

Gracias Natalia y Papi for visitar. ojala regresen a visitar mas por aqui. les quiero mucho! :)