October 28, 2008

Joe Buissink Workshop Recap!

It's been almost two weeks since I got back from Oregon attending Joe Buissink's workshop and I wanted to post this cause this workshop was so impacting and I met some very cool people and awesome photographers whom I now call friends from all over the US and the world!

Joe's main focus during the three days we were in Oregon was to dig into who we were as photographers and have plenty of time to shoot and opportunities for feedback. We had some beautiful models (Shanna, Kristina, and Danielle), who were great to work with and loved trying the dresses on three different shootign days. The girls joked around that this is as close to married as they wanted to be for now!

Joe was gracious in his feedback and critique and always finding somethig to encourage us by not only as photographers but as people. He knows that who you are has a huge impact on how you shoot and how you capture what's in front of your lens, whatever that may be.

Overall it was an incredibly worthwhile trip and what I took away from it is a deeper love for photography and a desire to keep learning and to keep getting to know who I am as I continue on this journey as a photographer.

I think Joe hosts these workshops once or twice a year. I would recommend anyone who is serious about wedding photography to go. You will not regret it!

Here's a few of the images from the last day of shooting (I only got to shoot Shanna on this last day) and also a few that my friend Lisa captured of us in action and of course the group! Major props to Salvador and Lana and Igor for coming all the way from Mexico City and Moscow, Russia just for the trip! They each added a special flavor to the week!


Unknown said...

Que bueno verte en foto...y en accion. Que buenos recuerdos mi hijo. Te felicito por tu trabajo y me contento con vos por tu aficion. Te quiere mucho tu mami

Melinda said...

Hey Andres! Melinda Brookshire here (Mike Scales' daughter). I am curious as to how you run across all of these amazing workshops? I would really love to attend some but always seem to be a day late and a dollar short in finding out about them. Any input you might have would be greatly appreciated.

Congrats on such a successful photography business!!

Andres said...

Hey Melinda,

I generally have found them by being on photographers blogs and also from attending WPPI which is the wedding and portrait photographers international conference in Vegas. As I got into wedding photography I found out who the top dogs are and then checked their blogs regularly, subscribed to their newsletters and also through word of mouth form other photographer friends. I'll send you a message to your email with this info too! good luck!
