August 9, 2008

Otavalo, Ecuador.....

One of the traditions for everyone who comes to Quito for the first time or after being away for a while is to go to Otavalo. This small city is full of incredibly talented entrepreneurs.  Los Otavalenios as they are called set up this Market in the city Square and sell all sorts of beautifully crafted memoirs from Ecuador. Things from sweaters, bags, necklaces, paintings, carvings, etc. The detail in each one is amazing and the colors are so intense. 

Here's a few pictures from the drive out to Otavalo from Quito and the city of Otavalo itself. 

Once you leave Quito you start to really see the beauty of Ecuador. The mountains are simply majestic!
This image is one of my favorites from my trip. I can't even imagine how old this door and wall are. 
These are necklaces from this seed called 'Tagua'. You take the seeds out and carve them into different shapes and color them to make jewelry.
The people in Otavalo amaze me. They are so talented and deserve so much more than what they charge.
She was so cute when she saw my camera. 
This old man is tiny. He could not have been more than 4 feet. 
So everyone knows Liga is Champion of the Libertadores, but as much as I have respect for them I LOVE EMELEC!!!! :) 
hard working hands
This lady has been here for years and every time I go to the market she happens to find me. I oblige and take a couple pictures of her and give her some money.  There is beggars all over and when you give them something they always say 'Dios Le Pague' (May God repay you). 

Click the slideshow below to see many more pictures from my visit to Otavalo. 


los Greenes said...

WOW!!! You transported me back to our beautiful Ecuador with all your beautiful pictures! You are an amazing "scene and face capturer!" And I love the slideshow with the traditional music! JJ and I were dancing here! :) Thank you for sharing all of these! I can't wait to go myself!

Unknown said...

Hijito, que habilidades te ha dado Dios, esta tan bien hecho mi hijo, te felicito. Esa foto de la Ronda quisiera me des para enmarcarle si? pero con tu firma. Mi hijo que bien hecho!!! te quiero mucho. Aqui disfrutamos tu papi, Natalia, su amiga que llego de Ecuador y nos estuvo visitando y tu Mami

Andres said...

Que bueno que les gusto. esperaba que con la musica se pongan a llorar por extranar tanto a la tierra. que lindo es nuestro pais!

si papi seguro te doy la foto.
les quiero mucho....

en los proximos dias pondre fotos de lo mas importante...familia.

Unknown said...

Tu mami es la que pide la foto, claro que sera para los dos. Espero las otras fotitos, que ganas de la comida!!! tu Mami

Kuniyoshi_Cat said...
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Kuniyoshi_Cat said...

Great work, much better than anything I have ever done. Yo también tengo fotos de mi querido país y de Quito, hace donde no he viajado en casi 16 anos, de Otavalo, Cayambe, Pichincha, Cotopaxi, y la fuerza de Chimborazo. La sierra o la costa o las selva, a mi no me importa, las amo a todas.

I am an admirer!!

Are you on Facebook?

Andres said...

Hey kuniyoshi! thanks for the kidn comments. estoy en facebook. mira en mi pagina del blog al lado derecho y ahi hay un link...