September 16, 2008

Iarael Day 4.5......

I wanted to post a few more images tonight before letting you all know about my day today. These pictures are from yesterday's visit to the old city in Jerusalem. As you walk the streets it's just incredible to see the variety of the different sections of the city. Jews, Arabs, Ethiopians, tourists! Reminds me of Queens with all the variety of people, smells, food, etc. I'll post a few pics from today's trip to Nazareth in a bit....

Via Dolorosa...

Muslim quarter of the old city...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mi hijo, que talento te ha dado Dios! y que oportunidad de tomar estas fotos tan preciosas, son enverdad untesoro. Siempre estoy pendiente hijito. Que Dios te siga guardando y sigas disfrutando de este maravilloso viaje. Un beso de tu Mami