September 17, 2008

Israel Day 6...

Today was Jason and I's first time on the road alone. Up until now we had the infamous Brent who is a local American who has been living here for 13 years. He has been giving us the five star treatment and has been showing us all around. But today it was just Jason and me on the road! Of course we did NOT get lost driving and ended up everywhere we wanted to be at the exact time we wanted to be at! We are awesome like that! :)

Before this trip people were asking me what the heck I was going to Israel for and I had a vague answer, so finally when I got on the plane with Jason in NY, I got the lowdown as to what I was going to be doing. I'll give you the full version at some point but one of the main things is collecting images of archaeological sights and ruins all over Israel. Like the one below at this site called Tel Hazor. Some of the ruins we have been seeing are over 3,000 years old!!! I just can't fit that in my head! This one below is the part of an entrance to the gate at this ancient Canaanite city. Too cool!

We made a mid day break at the Sea of Galilee and had what they call here 'St. Peter's fish'. It's basically Tilapia from the sea of Galilee fried and served right on the plate like the one you see below! I've never had fish like this, but this was a treat! and of course we had humus!

Our final stop for the day was the city of Tiberias. We drove up as high as we could on this mountains side that the city was on and we could get this amazing view of the Sea of Galilee and imagined what it must of been like 2,000 years ago.

Two more days left...tomorrow we got a couple more ancient ruins and then we're going to swim in the Mediterranean...I hope...


los Greenes said...

Hi!!! I love that first pic! You so talented! :) Thanks again for posting...I'm always logging on to see what else is new from Andres' journey! Love you!

Unknown said...

Siempre pendiente de tu viaje y esperando las fotos! que linda esa del mar de Galilea y que bueno poder verte en la foto con Jason. Tu papi te estara mandando un correo esta noche. Te quiero mucho, tu Mami