July 19, 2008

Josh Way - Chronicle Comic Rocks!!!

I've had the privilege of knowing Josh for several years now. I went to college with him and later he helped me design my first photo website.  He is super nice at web design, he does the Nyack College web designs. 

His true passion though is writing comics and he decided to go after his dream almost a year ago. He started his own comic and has been writing and drawing since then.

To say he is talented is a big understatement. The dude Rocks! As soon as I heard that he was publishing his first comic book I was one of the first in line to buy one. 

His writing is hilarious and witty and his drawings are amazing! 

Josh, I'm so proud of you for doing this. It's so awesome to see people go after their dreams!  Keep up to good work and I can't wait for the second book to come out! 

You guys should check out his strip and subscribe to it. You get a daily comic strip sent to your e-mail and if you want to get the sweet book below you can buy it here. He is headed to Comic-con later this month, which is a HUGE comic convention in San Diego to get his strip out there. 

Good luck dude!!!!

This is the first time you get to see the characters in full color! so cool! 

If you buy the artist's edition you get a personalized drawing in the inside cover! Very cool! You gota get one of these! 

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