This afternoon little Jota Jota opened his eyes. Not for the first time of course but for me!! :) Grandma Sheri kept saying that he can't see beyond 12 inches in front of him so I made sure I got real close so he gets to know me real well!
He is absolutely beautiful! Please tell your sister and Bro in law, congrats for me!! Parenthood is an amazing journey-tell them to strap on their seatbelts!!!!! Prayers and love to all your family!!!-:) Lynnie
Es hermoso... estamos felices... quisiéramos poder estar junto a ustedes este tiempo. Gracias por las fotos que nos acercan a este nuevo ser y damos gracias a Dios por JJ, por sus padres y por sus abuelitos... y por los tíos :) Les queremos mucho
Josh & Val, Joshua is a precious gift from God! He is soooo handsome (I would say beautiful, but I know Josh might think that was girly, Ha!Ha!). We can't wait to meet him in person! Love you all! Many Blessing, Bill & Jeanie
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I'm a New York based photographer born in the beautiful country of Ecuador. I have been fortunate to be able to live in places such as Kenya and Mexico.
On this blog you will see some of my work, but perhaps more importantly you will see and read about my life and how rich I feel, not due to possessions but due to the Grace and Love that has been poured on me by so many wonderful people.
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He is absolutely beautiful! Please tell your sister and Bro in law, congrats for me!! Parenthood is an amazing journey-tell them to strap on their seatbelts!!!!! Prayers and love to all your family!!!-:) Lynnie
Es hermoso... estamos felices... quisiéramos poder estar junto a ustedes este tiempo. Gracias por las fotos que nos acercan a este nuevo ser y damos gracias a Dios por JJ, por sus padres y por sus abuelitos... y por los tíos :) Les queremos mucho
Josh & Val,
He is soooo cute. I can not wait to see him and hope you are recovering quickly. Now life has a whole new meaning--what a blessing!Congratulations
Mike, Linda, Dalton & Michaela
Josh & Val,
Joshua is a precious gift from God! He is soooo handsome (I would say beautiful, but I know Josh might think that was girly, Ha!Ha!). We can't wait to meet him in person! Love you all!
Many Blessing,
Bill & Jeanie
Thank you all for your comments. Josh and Valeria read them and send their love! :)
It's about time this little man got here. I can't wait to see him.
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