January 8, 2009

Philippines Day 3 Part 2...

Here's part 2 of our day. Scroll down to see part 1. enjoy....

One of my favorite memories will be when we took all these kids who had excellent attendance to the weekly tutoring that Rick and Jiji host, to the market to reward them with new sandals. Afterward we took them to the local Jollibee (equivalent to McDonalds) and treated them to a full meal. Many of the kids had never been to one of these fast food places so to see their faces at a full meal was heartwrenching.

This kid loves his spaghetti! It was weird to see them offer spaghetti in a fast food joint!

This dude was so cool selling his oranges and apples. He was gracious enough to let me take a picture of him.

This is a view of the market where we took the kids to get sandals.

My favorite memories are usually always to do with kids. I love this little man!

We baptized this crew the Yun Trio after Dr.Yun (Social Work Profesor). Album coming out March 23!

Tou gets some picture time cause he's just too cool! (except when he snores atnight!) We get to ride these bikes often to get around.

Rick conducts the tutor time three nights a week in his house to help kids from grade 1 through high school gain knowledge of basic school subjects. They also get to play and do work on the computers. Here he's giving a math lesson to the grade 6 girls.

This is Rejen solving one of the math problems during tutor night.

These are the computer stations set up for the kids to practice their computer skills.

These girls told me they are BFF (best friends forever for you old people). They are Michrose, Zionrose (twin sisters) and Mary May. All the kids love to use the 'peace'sign in all the pictures. They are beautiful kids!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hola hijito, que bueno poder ver lo que esta pasando por alla. Estas documentando muy bien hijito, como siempre! y hasta podemos verte en las fotos. Que Dios les siga cuidando y dando salud a todos para que cumplan la mision que Dios quiere. te queremos mucho tus papis