January 13, 2009

Philippines Day 8...

We had an interesting day today visiting a young men's jail and a children's detention home. Both places had a special focus on helping the young boys get reintegrated into society. Read on...

This was part of the view on our way up to the first young boy's detention center. 

This is from the roof of the adjacent building where the young boys where practicing for the annual Sinulog celebration later this month. 

I love mountains and we have gotten a couple chances to see some here. This is from the top of the juvenile detention center. 

The boys in the second home we went to shared with us a little bit about themselves. It was neat to see these homes where they long to rehabilitate and get these young boys back into society. 

These are the beds where they sleep at night. 

On the way back Dave bought these cool shades from a street vendor. He looks like the Terminator!

Back in Nangka we got to interact with the kids in the tutorial time. Jerrel is playing a multiplying game wit the kids here. 

This is a view of the garage area of the tutorial center where the kids get on computers and do some learning games and also get to have fun and play foosball.

The third room in the tutorial center is the kitchen where the kids get to do puzzles and play with other educational games. 

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