January 5, 2009

Phillipines Day 1...

After 18 hours of total flight time, a stop in Hing Kong and a fun van ride through the dense streets of Cebu, we arrived at our destination and home for the next two weeks.

I'm in Cebu, Phillipines. Staying in a very humble neighborhood with some incredibly welcoming and kind people. I'm staying with a group of students and faculty from Nyack that came to serve and learn from the people and community here.

We will be here for the next two weeks learning, serving, and just being with the people of this community. This is such a unique opportunity for all of us involved and we're looking forward to being immersed in thsi community.

I know we will all come out changed and with different perspectives on the world. We have already seen that...

More to come soon and of course photos. This time I couldn't download them yet and there is only one computer in a little house that we don't have access to all the time. Of course people here are not focused on being online as much as we are obsessed in the US. So life looks a little different for us!

Come back for more soon.....

1 comment:

Gustavo said...

Sounds like a wonderful trip, have fun.